Lab member names are bolded
† indicates equal authorship
If you are interested in reading a paper but cannot access it behind a paywall, please e-mail Kaitlyn for a PDF!
McInturff, A., Alagona, P.S., Cooper, S., Gaynor, K.M., Anderson, S.E., Forbes, E., Heilmayr, R., Hiroyasu, E., Kendall, B., Mychajliw, A.M., & Hardesty-Moore, M. 2025. A triangulation approach for habitat suitability: A case study of the California grizzly. Biological Conservation 110989. [Link]
Rice, M.M., Tumber-Dávila, S.J., Baiz, M.D., Cheng, S.J., Darragh, K., Estien, C.O., Hammond, J.W., Ignace, D.D., Khadempour, L., Gaynor, K.M., Mills, K., Smith, J.A., & Moore, A.C. 2025. Language matters: Terminology in ecology and evolutionary biology disproportionately harms marginalized groups. PLOS Biology 23(1): e3002933. [Link]
Lamichhane, S.†, Shrestha, B., Tharu, B.P.C., Koirala, R.K., Bhattarai, B.P., Poudel, P., Adhikari, B., & Khanal, G.† Narrow dietary niche with high overlap between snow leopards and Himalayan wolves indicates potential for resource competition in Shey Phoksundo National Park, Nepal. Ecology & Evolution 15(1): e70873. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Abrahms, B., Manlove, K., Oestreich, W., & Smith, J.A. 2024. Anthropogenic impacts at the interface of animal spatial and social behaviour. Philosophical Transactions B 379: 20220527. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M. & Green, J.R. 2024. Wildlife ecology: The scary sounds of recreation. Current Biology 34, R736-R738. [Link]
Wooster, E.I.F., Lundgren, E.J., Balisi, M., Lemoine, R.T., Sandom, C.J., Svenning, J.C., Rowan, J., Jolly, C.J., Linley, G.D., Cowan, M.A., Wright, N., Westaway, D., Nimmo, D., Nichols, H., & Middleton, O.S. 2024. Functional traits of the world's Late Quarternary terrestrial mammalian predators. Global Ecology and Biogeography e13909 [Link]
Calhoun, K.L., Connor, T., Gaynor, K.M., Van Scoyoc, A., McInturff, A., Kreling, S.E.S., & Brashares, J.S. 2024. Movement behavior in a dominant ungulate underlies successful adjustment to a rapidly changing landscape following megafire. Movement Ecology 12:53. [Link]
Smith, J.A., McDaniels, M.E., Peacor, S.D., Bolas, E.C., Cherry, M.J., Dorn, N.J., Feldman, O.K., Kimbro, D.L., Leonhardt, E.K., Peckman, N.E., Sheriff, M.J., & Gaynor, K.M. 2024. Population and community consequences of perceived risk from humans in wildlife. Ecology Letters 27(6): e14456. [Link]
Fleury, A.G., O’Hara, C.C., Butt, N., Restrepo, J., Halpern, B.S., Klein, C.J., Kuempel, C.D., Gaynor, K.M., Bentley, L.K., Richardson, A.J., & Dunn, D.C. 2024. Spatial and life history variation in a trait-based vulnerability framework and impact model. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0305950 [Link]
Gaynor, K.M.†, McInturff, A.†, Abrahms, B., & Brashares, J.S. 2024. Hunting mode and habitat selection mediate the success of human hunters. Movement Ecology 12: 29. † joint lead authors [Link]
Massad, T.J., Abrão, O.J., António, H., Chechene, A., Tenente, B.S., André, A., Mundoza, D., Gaynor, K.M., Comissário, L., Rödel, M.O., & Naskrecki, P. 2024. Ecosystem-wide responses to fire and large mammal herbivores in an African savanna. Biotropica 56(4):13338. [Link]
Tham, S.L.X., Amir, Z., Moore, J.H., Gaynor, K.M. & Luskin, M.S. 2024. Opposing effects of human disturbances on wildlife behavior and the consequences for predator-prey overlap. Nature Communications 15: 1521. [Link]
Grabowski, K.L., Phillips, E.M., & Gaynor, K.M. 2024. Limited spatiotemporal niche partitioning among mesocarnivores in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. Ecology & Evolution 14(2): e10965. [Link]
Burton, A.C.†, Beirne, C.†, Gaynor, K.M., Sun, C., Granados, A., [100+ co-authors], Kays, R. 2024. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity are shaped by trophic group landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 10.1038/s41559-024-02363-2 [Link]
Blair, J.D., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., & Marshall, K.E. 2024. A gentle introduction to computer vision-based specimen classification in ecological datasets. Journal of Animal Ecology 93(2):147-158. [Link]
Wooster, E.I.F., Gaynor, K.M., Carthey, A.J.R., Wallach, A.D., Stanton, L.A., Ramp, D., & Lundgren, E.J. 2024. Animal cognition and culture mediate predator-prey interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39(1): 52-64. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M. 2024. A big-headed problem drives an ecological chain reaction. Science 383(6681): 370-371. [Link]
Walker, R.H., Hutchinson, M.C., Becker, J.A., Daskin, J.H., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., Gonçalves, D.D., Stalmans, M.E., Delinger, J., Bouley, P., Angela, M., Paulo, A., Potter, A.B., Arumoogum, N., Parrini, F., Marshal, J., Pringle, R.M., & Long. R.A. 2023. Trait-based sensitivity of large mammals to a catastrophic tropical cyclone. Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06722-0. [Link]
Shukla, I., Gaynor, K.M., Worm, B., & Darimont, C.T. 2023. The diversity of animals identified as keystone species. Ecology and Evolution 13(10): e10561. [Link]
Calhoun, K., Goldstein, B., Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., Solorio, L., & Brashares, J.S. 2023. Mammalian resistance to megafire in western U.S. woodland savannas. Ecosphere e4613. [Link]
Braga, P.H.P., Hébert, K., Hudgins, E.J., Scott, E.R., Edwards, B.P.M., Sánchez Reyes, L.L., Grainger, M.J., Foroughirad, V., Hillemann, F., Binley, A.D., Brookson, C.B., Gaynor, K.M., Sabet, S.S., Güncan, A., Weierbach, H., Gomes, D.G.E., Crystal-Ornelas, R. 2023. Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaboration and reproducible research in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 1364-1380. [Link]
Halpern, B.S., … Gaynor, K.M., … [117 total co-authors]. 2023. Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere 14(1): e4342. [Link]
Palmer, M.S., Gaynor, K.M., Abraham, J., & Pringle, R. 2023. The role of humans in dynamic landscapes of fear. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38(3): 217-218. [Link]
Abrahms, B., Carter, N., Clark, T.J., Gaynor, K.M., Johansson, E., McInturff, A., Nisi, A., Rafiq, K., West, L. 2023. Climate change as a global amplifier of human-wildlife conflict. Nature Climate Change 13: 224-234. [Link]
Cheng, S.J.†, Gaynor, K.M.†, Moore, A.C.†, Darragh, K., Estien, C.O., Hammond, J.W., Lawrence, C., Mills, K.L., Baiz, M.D., Ignace, D., Khadempour, L., McCary, M.A., Rice, M., Tumber-Dávila, S.J., Smith, J.A.† 2023. Championing inclusive terminology in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38(5): 381-384. [Link]
Van Scoyoc, A., Smith, J.A., Gaynor, K.M., Barker, K., & Brashares, J.S. 2023. The influence of human activity on predator-prey spatiotemporal overlap. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1124-1134 [Link]
Seto, K.L., Easterday, K., Aheto, D.W., Asiedu, G., Sumaila, U.R., & Gaynor, K.M. 2023. Evidence of spatial competition, over resource scarcity, as primary driver of conflicts between small-scale and industrial fishers. Ecology and Society 28(1): 6 [Link]
Anderson, R., Epstein, K., Charnley, S., Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., & Martin, J.V.M. 2023. Wolves, livestock, and the (socio)ecology of fear: a critical geographical re-consideration of a prominent ecological concept. The Canadian Geographer 67(1): 17-34. [Link].
Gomes, D., Pottier, P., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Hudgins, E., Foroughirad, V., Sanchez-Reyes, L.L., Turba, R., Martinez, P.A., Moreau, D., Bertram, M., Smout, C., & Gaynor, K.M. 2022. Why don’t we share data and code? Perceived barriers and solutions to public archiving practices. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20221113. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Azevedo, T., Boyajian, C., Brun, J., Budden, A., Cole, A., Csik, S., DeCesaro, J., Do-Linh, H., Dudney, J., Galaz García, C., Leonard, S., Lyon, N.J., Marks, A., Parish, J., Phillips, A.A., Scarborough, C., Smith, J., Thompson, M., Poulson, C.V., Fong, C.R. 2022. Ten simple rules to cultivate belonging in collaborative data science research teams. PLOS Computational Biology 18(1):e1010567. [Link]
Palmer, M.S., Gaynor, K.M., Becker, J.A., Abraham, J., Mumma, M., & Pringle, R. 2022. Dynamic landscapes of fear: understanding spatiotemporal risk. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37(10), 911-925. [Link]
Suraci, J.P., Smith, J., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Gaynor, K.M., Jones, M., Luttbeg, B., Ritchie, E., Sherriff, M., & Sih, A. 2022. Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator-prey interactions. Oikos 8, e09004 [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., & Brashares, J.S. 2022. Contrasting patterns of risk from human and non-human predators shape temporal activity of prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:46-60. [Link]
Bach, B.* †, Quigley, A.* †, Gaynor, K.M. †, McInturff, A., Charles, K.,* Dorcy, J.,* & Brashares, J.S. 2022. Identifying individual ungulates from fecal DNA: A comparison of field collection methods to maximize efficiency, ease, and success. Mammalian Biology. [Link] † joint lead authors, * postgraduate mentees
Calhoun, K., Chapman, M., Tubbesing, C., McInturff, A., Gaynor, K.M., Parker-Shames, P., Van Scoyoc, A., Wilkinson, C., Kurz, D.J., & Brashares, J.S. 2022. Spatial overlap of wildfires and biodiversity in California highlights gap in non-conifer fire research and management. Diversity and Distributions 28(3): 529-541. [Link]
Kreling, S.* †, Gaynor, K.M.†, McInturff, A., Calhoun, K., & Brashares, J.S. 2021. Site fidelity and behavioral plasticity regulate an ungulate's response to extreme disturbance. Ecology and Evolution. Early View. [Link] † joint lead authors, * undergraduate mentee
Miao, Z., Liu, Z., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., Yu, S.X., & Getz, W.M. 2021. Iterative human and automated identification of wildlife images. Nature Machine Intelligence 3: 885-895. [Link]
Volski, L.*, McInturff, A., Gaynor, K.M., Yovovich, V., & Brashares, J.S. 2021. Evaluating the socio-ecological efficacy of a tool to reduce carnivore-livestock conflict. Frontiers in Conservation Science. Early View. [Link] * undergraduate mentee
Suraci, J.P, Gaynor, K.M., Allen, M.L., Alexander, P., Brashares, J.S., Cendejas-Zarelli, S., Crooks, K., Elbroch, L.M., Forester, T., Green, A.M., Haight, J., Harris, N., Hebblewhite, M., Isbell, F., Johnston, B., Kays, R., Lendrum, P.E., Lewis, J., McInturff, A., McShea, W., Murphy, T.W., Palmer, M., Parsons, A., Parsons, M.A., Pendergast, M.E., Sekercioglu, C.H., Shepherd, B., Whipple, L., Whittington, J., Wittemyer, G., & Wilmers, C.C. 2021. Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans. Global Change Biology 27(16): 3718-3731. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Daskin, J.H., Rich, L.N., & Brashares, J.S. Postwar wildlife recovery in an African savanna: Evaluating patterns and drivers of species occupancy and richness. 2021. Animal Conservation, 24(3): 308-321. [Link; e-mail for PDF]
Gaynor, K.M., Cherry, M.J., Gilbert, S.L., Kohl, M.T., Larson, C.L., Newsome, T.M., Prugh, L.R., Suraci, J.P., Young, J.K., & Smith, J.A. 2021. An applied ecology of fear framework: linking theory to conservation practice. Animal Conservation, 24(3): 510-522. [Link]
Smith, J.A.†, Gaynor, K.M.†, Suraci, J.P.† 2021. Mismatch between risk and response amplifies lethal and non-lethal effects of humans on wild animal populations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. † joint lead authors [Link]
McInturff, A., Miller, J., Gaynor, K.M., & Brashares, J.S. 2021. Patterns of coyote predation on sheep in California: A socio-ecological approach to mapping risk of livestock-predator conflict. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(3): e175. [Link]
Brashares, J.S., Connor, T., Dorcy, J., Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., Bach, B., Quigley, A., Charles, K., Kreling, S. 2021. Hopland Columbian black-tailed deer estimation project (CDFW Contract #P1680002). Report to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Gaynor, K.M., Brashares, J.S., Gregory, G.H., Kurz, D.J., Seto, K.L., Withey, L.S., & Fiorella, K.J. 2020. Anticipating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on wildlife. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(10): 542-543. [Link]
Fiorella, K.J., Coffin-Schmitt, J., Gaynor, K.M., Gregory, G.H., Rasolofoson, R., & Seto, K.L. 2020. Feedbacks from human health to household reliance on natural resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Planetary Health, 4(10): 441-442. [Link]
Wilson, M., Ridlon, A.D., Gaynor, K.M., Gaines, S.D., Stier, A.C., & Halpern, B.S. 2020. Ecological impacts of human-induced animal behavior change. Ecology Letters, 23(10): 1522-1536. [Link]
Smith, J.A., Suraci, J.P., Hunter, J.S., Gaynor, K.M., Keller, C., Palmer, M.S., Atkins, J.L., Casteneda, I., Cherry, M.J., Garvey, P.M., Huebner, S., Morin, D.J., Teckentrup, L., Weterings, M.J.A., & Beaudrot, L. 2020. Zooming in on mechanistic predator-prey ecology: Integrating camera traps with experimental methods to reveal the drivers of ecological interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(9): 1997-2012. [Link; e-mail for PDF]
Wilkinson, C.E., McInturff, A., Miller, J., Yovovich, V., Gaynor, K.M., Calhoun, K., Karandikar, H., Martin, J.V., Parker-Shames, P., Shawler, A., Van Scoyoc, A., & Brashares, J.S. 2020. An ecological framework for contextualizing carnivore-livestock conflict. Conservation Biology, 34(4): 854-867. [PDF]
Bidder, O.R., di Virgilio, A., Hunter, J.S., McInturff, A., Gaynor, K.M., Smith, A.M., Dorcy, J., & Rosell, F. 2020. Monitoring canid scent marking in space and time using a biologging and machine learning approach. A novel approach for studying canid scent marking: leveraging advances in data science and biologging techniques. Scientific Reports 10: 588. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Brown, J.S., Middleton, A.D., & Power, M.E., & Brashares, J.S. 2019. Landscapes of fear: spatial patterns of risk perception and response. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34(4): 355-368. [Link]
Kreling, S.E.S.*, Gaynor, K.M., & Coon, C. 2019. Roadkill distribution at the wildland-urban interface. Journal of Wildlife Management, 83(6): 1427-1436. * undergraduate mentee [Link]
Miao, Z., Gaynor, K.M., Wang, J., Liu, Z., Muellerklein, O., Nouruzzadeh, M.S., McInturff, A., Bowie, R.C.K., Nathan, R., Yu, S.X., & Getz, W.M. 2019. Insights and approaches using deep learning to classify wildlife. Scientific Reports 9: 8137. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Hojnowski, C.E., Carter, N.H., & Brashares, J.S. 2018. The influence of human disturbance on wildlife nocturnality. Science 360(6394): 1232-1235. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Branco, P.S., Long, R.A., Gonçalves, D., Granli, P., & Poole, J. 2018. Effects of human settlement and roads on diel activity patterns of elephants (Loxodonta africana). African Journal of Ecology 58(4): 872-881. [Special Issue on Camera Trapping; Link]
Yamashita, T.,* Gaynor, K.M., Kioko, J., Brashares, J.S., & Kiffner, C. 2018. Anti-predator behavior of African ungulates around human settlements. African Journal of Ecology 56(3): 528-536. * undergraduate mentee [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Solomon, J.W., Siller, S., Jessel, L., Duffy, J.E., & Rubenstein, D.R. 2017. Development of genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellites in related species of snapping shrimps with highly duplicated genomes. Molecular Ecology Resources 17(6): e160-e173. [PDF]
Brashares, J.B. & Gaynor, K.M. 2017. Eating ecosystems. Science 356(6333): 136-137. [PDF]
2016 & earlier
Gaynor, K.M., Fiorella, K., Gregory, G., Kurz, D., Seto, K., Withey, L., & Brashares, J.S. 2016. War and wildlife: linking armed conflict to conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(10): 533-542. [Cover Story; Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Mwasi, S.M., & Okello, M.M. 2013. The insularization of Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Proceedings of the IVth International Wildlife Management Congress, 9-12 July 2012, Durban, South Africa. The Wildlife Society. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M. & Cords, M. 2012. Antipredator and social monitoring functions of vigilance behavior in blue monkeys. Animal Behaviour 84(3): 531-537. [Link]
Remans, R., Flynn, D.F.B., Declerck, F., Diru, W., Fanzo, J., Gaynor, K., et al. 2012. Exploring new metrics: nutritional diversity of cropping systems. In: Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity: Directions and Solutions for Policy, Research and Action (Eds. B. Burlingame, S. Dernini). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
Remans, R., Flynn, D.F.B., Declerck, F., Diru, W., Fanzo, J., Gaynor, K., et al. 2011. Assessing nutritional diversity of cropping systems in African villages. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21235. [Link]
Impink, E. & Gaynor, K.M. 2010. Understanding sustainability through traditional Maasai pastoral systems in southern Kenya. Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development 4(1): 167-180. [Link]
† indicates equal authorship
If you are interested in reading a paper but cannot access it behind a paywall, please e-mail Kaitlyn for a PDF!
McInturff, A., Alagona, P.S., Cooper, S., Gaynor, K.M., Anderson, S.E., Forbes, E., Heilmayr, R., Hiroyasu, E., Kendall, B., Mychajliw, A.M., & Hardesty-Moore, M. 2025. A triangulation approach for habitat suitability: A case study of the California grizzly. Biological Conservation 110989. [Link]
Rice, M.M., Tumber-Dávila, S.J., Baiz, M.D., Cheng, S.J., Darragh, K., Estien, C.O., Hammond, J.W., Ignace, D.D., Khadempour, L., Gaynor, K.M., Mills, K., Smith, J.A., & Moore, A.C. 2025. Language matters: Terminology in ecology and evolutionary biology disproportionately harms marginalized groups. PLOS Biology 23(1): e3002933. [Link]
Lamichhane, S.†, Shrestha, B., Tharu, B.P.C., Koirala, R.K., Bhattarai, B.P., Poudel, P., Adhikari, B., & Khanal, G.† Narrow dietary niche with high overlap between snow leopards and Himalayan wolves indicates potential for resource competition in Shey Phoksundo National Park, Nepal. Ecology & Evolution 15(1): e70873. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Abrahms, B., Manlove, K., Oestreich, W., & Smith, J.A. 2024. Anthropogenic impacts at the interface of animal spatial and social behaviour. Philosophical Transactions B 379: 20220527. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M. & Green, J.R. 2024. Wildlife ecology: The scary sounds of recreation. Current Biology 34, R736-R738. [Link]
Wooster, E.I.F., Lundgren, E.J., Balisi, M., Lemoine, R.T., Sandom, C.J., Svenning, J.C., Rowan, J., Jolly, C.J., Linley, G.D., Cowan, M.A., Wright, N., Westaway, D., Nimmo, D., Nichols, H., & Middleton, O.S. 2024. Functional traits of the world's Late Quarternary terrestrial mammalian predators. Global Ecology and Biogeography e13909 [Link]
Calhoun, K.L., Connor, T., Gaynor, K.M., Van Scoyoc, A., McInturff, A., Kreling, S.E.S., & Brashares, J.S. 2024. Movement behavior in a dominant ungulate underlies successful adjustment to a rapidly changing landscape following megafire. Movement Ecology 12:53. [Link]
Smith, J.A., McDaniels, M.E., Peacor, S.D., Bolas, E.C., Cherry, M.J., Dorn, N.J., Feldman, O.K., Kimbro, D.L., Leonhardt, E.K., Peckman, N.E., Sheriff, M.J., & Gaynor, K.M. 2024. Population and community consequences of perceived risk from humans in wildlife. Ecology Letters 27(6): e14456. [Link]
Fleury, A.G., O’Hara, C.C., Butt, N., Restrepo, J., Halpern, B.S., Klein, C.J., Kuempel, C.D., Gaynor, K.M., Bentley, L.K., Richardson, A.J., & Dunn, D.C. 2024. Spatial and life history variation in a trait-based vulnerability framework and impact model. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0305950 [Link]
Gaynor, K.M.†, McInturff, A.†, Abrahms, B., & Brashares, J.S. 2024. Hunting mode and habitat selection mediate the success of human hunters. Movement Ecology 12: 29. † joint lead authors [Link]
Massad, T.J., Abrão, O.J., António, H., Chechene, A., Tenente, B.S., André, A., Mundoza, D., Gaynor, K.M., Comissário, L., Rödel, M.O., & Naskrecki, P. 2024. Ecosystem-wide responses to fire and large mammal herbivores in an African savanna. Biotropica 56(4):13338. [Link]
Tham, S.L.X., Amir, Z., Moore, J.H., Gaynor, K.M. & Luskin, M.S. 2024. Opposing effects of human disturbances on wildlife behavior and the consequences for predator-prey overlap. Nature Communications 15: 1521. [Link]
Grabowski, K.L., Phillips, E.M., & Gaynor, K.M. 2024. Limited spatiotemporal niche partitioning among mesocarnivores in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. Ecology & Evolution 14(2): e10965. [Link]
Burton, A.C.†, Beirne, C.†, Gaynor, K.M., Sun, C., Granados, A., [100+ co-authors], Kays, R. 2024. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity are shaped by trophic group landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 10.1038/s41559-024-02363-2 [Link]
Blair, J.D., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., & Marshall, K.E. 2024. A gentle introduction to computer vision-based specimen classification in ecological datasets. Journal of Animal Ecology 93(2):147-158. [Link]
Wooster, E.I.F., Gaynor, K.M., Carthey, A.J.R., Wallach, A.D., Stanton, L.A., Ramp, D., & Lundgren, E.J. 2024. Animal cognition and culture mediate predator-prey interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39(1): 52-64. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M. 2024. A big-headed problem drives an ecological chain reaction. Science 383(6681): 370-371. [Link]
Walker, R.H., Hutchinson, M.C., Becker, J.A., Daskin, J.H., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., Gonçalves, D.D., Stalmans, M.E., Delinger, J., Bouley, P., Angela, M., Paulo, A., Potter, A.B., Arumoogum, N., Parrini, F., Marshal, J., Pringle, R.M., & Long. R.A. 2023. Trait-based sensitivity of large mammals to a catastrophic tropical cyclone. Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06722-0. [Link]
Shukla, I., Gaynor, K.M., Worm, B., & Darimont, C.T. 2023. The diversity of animals identified as keystone species. Ecology and Evolution 13(10): e10561. [Link]
Calhoun, K., Goldstein, B., Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., Solorio, L., & Brashares, J.S. 2023. Mammalian resistance to megafire in western U.S. woodland savannas. Ecosphere e4613. [Link]
Braga, P.H.P., Hébert, K., Hudgins, E.J., Scott, E.R., Edwards, B.P.M., Sánchez Reyes, L.L., Grainger, M.J., Foroughirad, V., Hillemann, F., Binley, A.D., Brookson, C.B., Gaynor, K.M., Sabet, S.S., Güncan, A., Weierbach, H., Gomes, D.G.E., Crystal-Ornelas, R. 2023. Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaboration and reproducible research in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 1364-1380. [Link]
Halpern, B.S., … Gaynor, K.M., … [117 total co-authors]. 2023. Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere 14(1): e4342. [Link]
Palmer, M.S., Gaynor, K.M., Abraham, J., & Pringle, R. 2023. The role of humans in dynamic landscapes of fear. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38(3): 217-218. [Link]
Abrahms, B., Carter, N., Clark, T.J., Gaynor, K.M., Johansson, E., McInturff, A., Nisi, A., Rafiq, K., West, L. 2023. Climate change as a global amplifier of human-wildlife conflict. Nature Climate Change 13: 224-234. [Link]
Cheng, S.J.†, Gaynor, K.M.†, Moore, A.C.†, Darragh, K., Estien, C.O., Hammond, J.W., Lawrence, C., Mills, K.L., Baiz, M.D., Ignace, D., Khadempour, L., McCary, M.A., Rice, M., Tumber-Dávila, S.J., Smith, J.A.† 2023. Championing inclusive terminology in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38(5): 381-384. [Link]
Van Scoyoc, A., Smith, J.A., Gaynor, K.M., Barker, K., & Brashares, J.S. 2023. The influence of human activity on predator-prey spatiotemporal overlap. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1124-1134 [Link]
Seto, K.L., Easterday, K., Aheto, D.W., Asiedu, G., Sumaila, U.R., & Gaynor, K.M. 2023. Evidence of spatial competition, over resource scarcity, as primary driver of conflicts between small-scale and industrial fishers. Ecology and Society 28(1): 6 [Link]
Anderson, R., Epstein, K., Charnley, S., Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., & Martin, J.V.M. 2023. Wolves, livestock, and the (socio)ecology of fear: a critical geographical re-consideration of a prominent ecological concept. The Canadian Geographer 67(1): 17-34. [Link].
Gomes, D., Pottier, P., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Hudgins, E., Foroughirad, V., Sanchez-Reyes, L.L., Turba, R., Martinez, P.A., Moreau, D., Bertram, M., Smout, C., & Gaynor, K.M. 2022. Why don’t we share data and code? Perceived barriers and solutions to public archiving practices. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20221113. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Azevedo, T., Boyajian, C., Brun, J., Budden, A., Cole, A., Csik, S., DeCesaro, J., Do-Linh, H., Dudney, J., Galaz García, C., Leonard, S., Lyon, N.J., Marks, A., Parish, J., Phillips, A.A., Scarborough, C., Smith, J., Thompson, M., Poulson, C.V., Fong, C.R. 2022. Ten simple rules to cultivate belonging in collaborative data science research teams. PLOS Computational Biology 18(1):e1010567. [Link]
Palmer, M.S., Gaynor, K.M., Becker, J.A., Abraham, J., Mumma, M., & Pringle, R. 2022. Dynamic landscapes of fear: understanding spatiotemporal risk. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37(10), 911-925. [Link]
Suraci, J.P., Smith, J., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Gaynor, K.M., Jones, M., Luttbeg, B., Ritchie, E., Sherriff, M., & Sih, A. 2022. Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator-prey interactions. Oikos 8, e09004 [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., & Brashares, J.S. 2022. Contrasting patterns of risk from human and non-human predators shape temporal activity of prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:46-60. [Link]
Bach, B.* †, Quigley, A.* †, Gaynor, K.M. †, McInturff, A., Charles, K.,* Dorcy, J.,* & Brashares, J.S. 2022. Identifying individual ungulates from fecal DNA: A comparison of field collection methods to maximize efficiency, ease, and success. Mammalian Biology. [Link] † joint lead authors, * postgraduate mentees
Calhoun, K., Chapman, M., Tubbesing, C., McInturff, A., Gaynor, K.M., Parker-Shames, P., Van Scoyoc, A., Wilkinson, C., Kurz, D.J., & Brashares, J.S. 2022. Spatial overlap of wildfires and biodiversity in California highlights gap in non-conifer fire research and management. Diversity and Distributions 28(3): 529-541. [Link]
Kreling, S.* †, Gaynor, K.M.†, McInturff, A., Calhoun, K., & Brashares, J.S. 2021. Site fidelity and behavioral plasticity regulate an ungulate's response to extreme disturbance. Ecology and Evolution. Early View. [Link] † joint lead authors, * undergraduate mentee
Miao, Z., Liu, Z., Gaynor, K.M., Palmer, M.S., Yu, S.X., & Getz, W.M. 2021. Iterative human and automated identification of wildlife images. Nature Machine Intelligence 3: 885-895. [Link]
Volski, L.*, McInturff, A., Gaynor, K.M., Yovovich, V., & Brashares, J.S. 2021. Evaluating the socio-ecological efficacy of a tool to reduce carnivore-livestock conflict. Frontiers in Conservation Science. Early View. [Link] * undergraduate mentee
Suraci, J.P, Gaynor, K.M., Allen, M.L., Alexander, P., Brashares, J.S., Cendejas-Zarelli, S., Crooks, K., Elbroch, L.M., Forester, T., Green, A.M., Haight, J., Harris, N., Hebblewhite, M., Isbell, F., Johnston, B., Kays, R., Lendrum, P.E., Lewis, J., McInturff, A., McShea, W., Murphy, T.W., Palmer, M., Parsons, A., Parsons, M.A., Pendergast, M.E., Sekercioglu, C.H., Shepherd, B., Whipple, L., Whittington, J., Wittemyer, G., & Wilmers, C.C. 2021. Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans. Global Change Biology 27(16): 3718-3731. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Daskin, J.H., Rich, L.N., & Brashares, J.S. Postwar wildlife recovery in an African savanna: Evaluating patterns and drivers of species occupancy and richness. 2021. Animal Conservation, 24(3): 308-321. [Link; e-mail for PDF]
Gaynor, K.M., Cherry, M.J., Gilbert, S.L., Kohl, M.T., Larson, C.L., Newsome, T.M., Prugh, L.R., Suraci, J.P., Young, J.K., & Smith, J.A. 2021. An applied ecology of fear framework: linking theory to conservation practice. Animal Conservation, 24(3): 510-522. [Link]
Smith, J.A.†, Gaynor, K.M.†, Suraci, J.P.† 2021. Mismatch between risk and response amplifies lethal and non-lethal effects of humans on wild animal populations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. † joint lead authors [Link]
McInturff, A., Miller, J., Gaynor, K.M., & Brashares, J.S. 2021. Patterns of coyote predation on sheep in California: A socio-ecological approach to mapping risk of livestock-predator conflict. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(3): e175. [Link]
Brashares, J.S., Connor, T., Dorcy, J., Gaynor, K.M., McInturff, A., Bach, B., Quigley, A., Charles, K., Kreling, S. 2021. Hopland Columbian black-tailed deer estimation project (CDFW Contract #P1680002). Report to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Gaynor, K.M., Brashares, J.S., Gregory, G.H., Kurz, D.J., Seto, K.L., Withey, L.S., & Fiorella, K.J. 2020. Anticipating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on wildlife. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(10): 542-543. [Link]
Fiorella, K.J., Coffin-Schmitt, J., Gaynor, K.M., Gregory, G.H., Rasolofoson, R., & Seto, K.L. 2020. Feedbacks from human health to household reliance on natural resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Planetary Health, 4(10): 441-442. [Link]
Wilson, M., Ridlon, A.D., Gaynor, K.M., Gaines, S.D., Stier, A.C., & Halpern, B.S. 2020. Ecological impacts of human-induced animal behavior change. Ecology Letters, 23(10): 1522-1536. [Link]
Smith, J.A., Suraci, J.P., Hunter, J.S., Gaynor, K.M., Keller, C., Palmer, M.S., Atkins, J.L., Casteneda, I., Cherry, M.J., Garvey, P.M., Huebner, S., Morin, D.J., Teckentrup, L., Weterings, M.J.A., & Beaudrot, L. 2020. Zooming in on mechanistic predator-prey ecology: Integrating camera traps with experimental methods to reveal the drivers of ecological interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(9): 1997-2012. [Link; e-mail for PDF]
Wilkinson, C.E., McInturff, A., Miller, J., Yovovich, V., Gaynor, K.M., Calhoun, K., Karandikar, H., Martin, J.V., Parker-Shames, P., Shawler, A., Van Scoyoc, A., & Brashares, J.S. 2020. An ecological framework for contextualizing carnivore-livestock conflict. Conservation Biology, 34(4): 854-867. [PDF]
Bidder, O.R., di Virgilio, A., Hunter, J.S., McInturff, A., Gaynor, K.M., Smith, A.M., Dorcy, J., & Rosell, F. 2020. Monitoring canid scent marking in space and time using a biologging and machine learning approach. A novel approach for studying canid scent marking: leveraging advances in data science and biologging techniques. Scientific Reports 10: 588. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Brown, J.S., Middleton, A.D., & Power, M.E., & Brashares, J.S. 2019. Landscapes of fear: spatial patterns of risk perception and response. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34(4): 355-368. [Link]
Kreling, S.E.S.*, Gaynor, K.M., & Coon, C. 2019. Roadkill distribution at the wildland-urban interface. Journal of Wildlife Management, 83(6): 1427-1436. * undergraduate mentee [Link]
Miao, Z., Gaynor, K.M., Wang, J., Liu, Z., Muellerklein, O., Nouruzzadeh, M.S., McInturff, A., Bowie, R.C.K., Nathan, R., Yu, S.X., & Getz, W.M. 2019. Insights and approaches using deep learning to classify wildlife. Scientific Reports 9: 8137. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Hojnowski, C.E., Carter, N.H., & Brashares, J.S. 2018. The influence of human disturbance on wildlife nocturnality. Science 360(6394): 1232-1235. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Branco, P.S., Long, R.A., Gonçalves, D., Granli, P., & Poole, J. 2018. Effects of human settlement and roads on diel activity patterns of elephants (Loxodonta africana). African Journal of Ecology 58(4): 872-881. [Special Issue on Camera Trapping; Link]
Yamashita, T.,* Gaynor, K.M., Kioko, J., Brashares, J.S., & Kiffner, C. 2018. Anti-predator behavior of African ungulates around human settlements. African Journal of Ecology 56(3): 528-536. * undergraduate mentee [Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Solomon, J.W., Siller, S., Jessel, L., Duffy, J.E., & Rubenstein, D.R. 2017. Development of genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellites in related species of snapping shrimps with highly duplicated genomes. Molecular Ecology Resources 17(6): e160-e173. [PDF]
Brashares, J.B. & Gaynor, K.M. 2017. Eating ecosystems. Science 356(6333): 136-137. [PDF]
2016 & earlier
Gaynor, K.M., Fiorella, K., Gregory, G., Kurz, D., Seto, K., Withey, L., & Brashares, J.S. 2016. War and wildlife: linking armed conflict to conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(10): 533-542. [Cover Story; Link]
Gaynor, K.M., Mwasi, S.M., & Okello, M.M. 2013. The insularization of Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Proceedings of the IVth International Wildlife Management Congress, 9-12 July 2012, Durban, South Africa. The Wildlife Society. [Link]
Gaynor, K.M. & Cords, M. 2012. Antipredator and social monitoring functions of vigilance behavior in blue monkeys. Animal Behaviour 84(3): 531-537. [Link]
Remans, R., Flynn, D.F.B., Declerck, F., Diru, W., Fanzo, J., Gaynor, K., et al. 2012. Exploring new metrics: nutritional diversity of cropping systems. In: Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity: Directions and Solutions for Policy, Research and Action (Eds. B. Burlingame, S. Dernini). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
Remans, R., Flynn, D.F.B., Declerck, F., Diru, W., Fanzo, J., Gaynor, K., et al. 2011. Assessing nutritional diversity of cropping systems in African villages. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21235. [Link]
Impink, E. & Gaynor, K.M. 2010. Understanding sustainability through traditional Maasai pastoral systems in southern Kenya. Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development 4(1): 167-180. [Link]